Thursday, May 14, 2009


That's oh my goodness, for those of you who didn't know. I have come to the somewhat appalling realization that Logo, my middle child, has exactly one pair of casual pants that doesn't have any holes or patches. To make things worse, 50% of his dress pants have a hole in them. That's right, folks, he has 2 pairs of pants that are whole. He had to wear shorts today, with a bus stop temp of 44, and a much colder wind chill, because I've been taking the holey pants out of rotation in preparation for re-patching. This is evidently a fairly common problem, since I have yet to talk to a mom of any boy aged about 6 to 10 who doesn't comment on how difficult it is to keep their son in pants. I find myself wondering what other moms do, since I don't think I've ever seen patches on any other kids around here. Do they throw the holey pants away and buy new ones? Yikes.

The good news is, Goodwill has redeemed itself, at least in part. I went there today looking for a scooter and scoping out the helmets for Code-man (who has decided that he needs a snowmobile helmet to bike in), and discovered Toddler Thursday, on which all children's clothing and toys are 50% off. So those $5 jeans were $2.50, and that spring jacket was $3.50. Much better. The bad news is, no boys' size 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 pants anywhere in the place...there was another mom there looking for size 8 jeans, too, and she even commented on the scarcity of used pants in that size range.

Poor Bubby. All that's going to be left when he gets that big will be rags...

And I am pleased to announce that Code-man scored his first goal of the soccer season last night. Way to go, Code-man!

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