Thursday, July 16, 2009


Victoria has emerged from her chrysalis, and it turns out she is a he--I guess we'll have to call him Victor from now on. Here's a picture--those black spots on the veins of the lower wings show us that he's a male. Sorry about the blurriness--I was taking the picture through the screen on the top of his container, plus he moved. It is amazing to me that all of that butterfly was able to fit in that itty tiny chrysalis. We're waiting for Hubby to return from work to release Victor.
Here are Charles (on the right) and King, both hanging out (literally) in their pupal states. They should be coming out in 7-10 days.
And here's one picture from our adventures in Colorado (I'll post more some other time). This is Code-man, cousin Tyler, cousin Connor, and Logo at the Red Rocks Amphitheater.

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