Tuesday, January 19, 2010


My husband filled my love tank last night by hanging 13 pictures on the wall in our entryway for me (thanks for the frames, Beaver-ly :-). I know some of you are shuddering at the thought of 13 new holes in the wall, but I'm very happy with how the grouping looks, and if the next person to live in our house doesn't like it, they can fill in the holes (FYI they look a bit crooked in this picture because I took the picture on a angle to reduce glare on the glass of the frames. And we're painting that top one black sometime--it's a little funny looking being the only wood grain frame). It always impresses me how patient Hubby can be as I'm changing my mind for the 217th time...And by the way, aren't we a terrific looking family? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We've got some future Olympic athletes in our midst. Here's a short video of our two-man bobsled team preparing for the upcoming winter games.

And the skeleton/luge rider is so fast, even the camera couldn't keep up with him--all three of the videos I took of him showed up as "unrecognized format." So here's a picture of him after one of his runs.

They've also been experimenting with new events, like bobskeleddington (the skeleton rider holding on behind the bobsled during the run), and freestyle bobsledding: Code-man did a very impressive 360 this morning while we were waiting for the bus.

1 comment:

  1. To resolve the "unrecognized format" issue, you probably want to reformat your SD card (or whatever your camera uses to store images). Of course before you do that, you want to make sure you have all your pictures moved to your computer.

    That fixed it on our camera.
