Saturday, October 23, 2010

Harvest Festival

Code-man and Logo didn't have school yesterday, so we went to a tree farm for some harvest fun.  Pretty much the first thing we did after our arrival was take a short hike on the "Spooky" Trail.  Bubby thought it was too scary the first time through, but later on in the day he wasn't as freaked out.  Found this Webmaster along the way: 

This 40 foot slide was also along the path--we spent a lot of time here, going back several times during the day, and sliding down in various combinations and positions.
 Along the trail there were a couple of small mazes with games and activities inside, like pumpkin bowling and gourd mini-golf.  Code-man (well, all four of us, really) enjoyed playing this game, called bank-shot:

My little monsters :-)
I think it's finally sunken in, for Code-man, at least, that sometimes you do things just because it'll make your mama happy--for instance, posing for a cheesy picture (I think he's waaaaay ahead of me on this realization--I didn't get it until a couple of years ago).

The main attraction was the corn maze, which wasn't so big that I had to worry about the children (at least the bigger ones) really getting lost, but big enough that we had a fun sense of adventure, and I had no clue where I was, or where Code-man and Logo were, most of the time.  Code-man brought the GPS with him--it was fun seeing where we had been, following the blue line on the screen.  And by the way, that was some MONSTER corn--I have never seen corn that tall!  It was taller than the 4 of us combined.
Of course we couldn't leave without getting some pumpkins...go, Bubby: you can do it!
Bubby found some corn in the maze--it's this photo just priceless?!
We also did some bouncing in inflatables, climbed through straw tunnels, played on a huge play set, and watched the pumpkin cannon go off.  It was a beautiful day, and a lovely place to spend it. 

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