Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Green Monsters

What is this little green monster up to?
 Ah, painting toilet paper tubes, what else? 
(and no, Hubby, we can't stop collecting toilet paper tubes.  Who knows when we might *need* them?)
 (Oh, and everybody else, don't tell my husband I've got a growing collection of cardboard egg cartons stashed away--who knows what he'd do if he found out?  Like, I bet he'd try to recycle them or something drastic like that)
 And look, he has a friend with him--she also appears to have green hands.
 Hmmm...seems like those kids are always painting around here...and yes, this part of the process soon evolved (or de-volved?) into finger painting as well.
 And now, after several days of painstaking labor, the big reveal.  Ta Da! 
The finished project: Advent calendars.
Thank you to Kendra at My Insanity for the inspiration, and to Nicole, Andi, and Jamie for their moral support and assistance in my quest to find materials.
I think they turned out cute, if a little cheesy, and, as Andi assured me, the cheesier the better for kid craft projects :-)  In fact, I like these ones so much, I might just shell out the money to make a permanent one for our family. 

Happy Advent, everyone!


  1. Love it! Thanks for letting me know. They look so cute!

  2. I LOVE this! Did you come up with it on your own? We have those manufactured cardboard advents with the cheap chocolates in them. Yours is so much cuter!
