Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today I Choose...

You probably thought, since Lent is over and all, that we were done with these "today I choose" posts, and yet, here we are, one more.  I meant to post this much closer to the conclusion of Lent, say, the day before Easter, or maybe the day after, but, didn't happen.

It is true that we can choose the ways we wish to behave and believe and live.  Living out those choices is easier said than done, but the first step, always, is to choose.  During Lent this year, I decided to be intentional in incorporating certain truths into my life.  I chose

 I wasn't perfect in my choices.  In fact, some days I failed miserably, and all I had was my stated intention.  But through it all, I was able to catch glimpses of a life lived to the fullest, unfettered by human restrictions; glimpses of the kingdom of God drew near in those moments that I lived my choices, and it. is. beautiful. 
And so, I choose Jesus, as surely as Jesus has chosen the cross, as surely as Jesus has chosen me. Today I choose a life lived in Jesus.  All of those other choices, they were all about Jesus: about living in freedom, the way I was created to live.
And you know, it is good that I didn't get this posted when I intended, because, my friends, every day, not just Easter, is a good day to choose Jesus.  Every day is a day I need to choose Jesus.
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10b

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