Thursday, October 13, 2011

AKD's 7 layer bars revisited

The other day, when Hubby and MC were at the football game, AKD and I decided we needed to make a special treat. I don't know about AKD, but I was feeling just a teensy, tiny, wee little bit left out. Whenever I mention "a special treat", AKD immediately insists that we need to make his 7 layer bars, so on the way home we stopped at the grocery store to buy the necessary ingredients.
Then we were home and watching the game, and after the game AKD was taking apart a chainsaw instead of making bars, so I decided to modify the bars to meet my own selfish specifications. Oh, my, they were so delicious, especially when they were still warm from the oven. Here's what I did.

We didn't have any prepared chocolate chip cookie dough, so I made a batch of my favorite recipe, substituting about 2 T (all that were left in the bag) of mini chocolate chips and 1 c. of milk chocolate m&ms for the regular chocolate chips. Then I pressed about half of the dough into the bottom of an 8 inch square pan and stuck it in a 375* oven for about 20 minutes.

When it came out, I sprinkled ~1/3 c shredded coconut, 15 caramels, cut in quarters, 1 c. chocolate chips, 1/2 c. m&ms, and ~ 2 T (all that was left in the bag) toffee bits on top. Next, I dropped, by spoonfuls, about 1/2 of what was left of the cookie dough on top and popped it back in the oven until it was done, about 20 more minutes.

Mmmm. I would post a picture, but they're all gone :)

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