Friday, October 21, 2011

Friendly Friday: Give 'em a hand!

That's right, friends: it's time for another installment in the Friendly Friday series, inspired by Allison over at O My Family. Allison has challenged her friends and readers (who are friends she just hasn't met yet) to go out of their way to perform acts of kindness, and then share about their experiences.

We do this, not to boast, but to encourage one another, to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24). It is through these small acts of kindness that we bring glory to God, and in these actions, the kingdom of heaven draws near. 

I know you've been waiting all week for this, because you're just as obsessed with Friendly Friday as I am.  Right?  Right?  OK, maybe not.

This week, I had an opportunity to get some very inexpensive hand sanitizer from the home improvement store.  You know, the one where you can "save big money."  Very inexpensive as in twenty-five cents for 8 fl. oz.  Yeah, I know it's not free, but it was the best I could do on short notice.

Here's what I did with it:
 I just traced some hands (these are mine, since I forgot to trace MC's before he headed out that morning, having been distracted by the jacket issue and all) on construction paper, cut them out and wrote, "{name of person}, you deserve a "hand!" on each left hand.  Then I taped a pair of hands to the front and back of each sanitizer bottle, to sort of kind of look like clapping hands, and delivered them to MC's school for his teachers (when I was there check the lost and found due to the jacket issue).

I've been meaning to do this for a while...quite a while, in fact...but it took Friendly Friday (and a sale on hand sanitizer) to prod me into action.  I'm so thankful for my children's teachers--for all of the love and effort they put into caring for my children when they're away from me, and I wanted to show them, in even just this small way, that I'm thinking about them and appreciate them.

Did you step out in kindness this week?  Feel free to share. You can also click here to visit O My Family Blog to read about the experiences of others, and be inspired to make a difference this week.

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