Thursday, October 6, 2011


We finally made it to the zoo today! 

First it was too cold, then it was too wet, then it was too windy, cold and wet, then we had something else planned...but was another gorgeous 80 degree October day, and we headed over. 

We saw primates...who had a lot of fun new toys and were more active than usual...
 (but not this one--she's bronze and consequently doesn't move around a whole lot).  And seals, polar, brown, and grizzly bears, reindeer, zebras, giraffes, lions, tigers, a snow leopard, flamingoes, bison, an ostrich, artic fox, grey wolf, various hooved get the idea.  We missed the penguins and puffins, though.

I also saw the galapagos tortoises for the first time.  I honestly thought they had just forgotten to take the sign down and there weren't really any in that enclosure.
 (not this one--he's bronze). 

After the zoo, we went for a short walk to see if we could find any acorns.  We did.  That place is crawling with oak trees.  Along the way, we took some time to do one of my favorite fall activities...
 ...walking in dry leaves to make them CRUNCH, followed by fun on the playground, and more crunching through fallen leaves.

It was such a wonderful day!  Now Pal's gone home, and E rode the bus home with MC.  And Bubby...well, here's what Bubby's doing.
I hope that you all enjoyed your day as much as me!

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