Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Greetings

**Spoiler alert: if you are a person who thinks you might receive an actual Christmas card sent in the mail from us, you might want to hold off on reading this...**

Let me just preface this by saying I didn't mean to send our Christmas cards out this year after Christmas.  I put a great deal of thought and effort into our Christmas newsletter each year, and this year, I just wasn't inspired until after the big day.  I thought this would be the year without a letter, which saddened me tremendously, because over the years the letter has evolved from something I did for you, my friends and family, to something I did for me.  Which is not to say that I don't think of all of you as I'm writing, just that I've come to realize that while you enjoy the letters, I treasure them.  It is such a treat to read through our previous letters each year to remember again where we've been.

I didn't mean to send our Christmas greetings after Christmas, but I think you'll see why I think it worked out perfectly.

Read on...

Dear Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas!

When I (Scarlet) was in high school, I used to go around saying, “Merry Christmas” all the time.  If you’ve known me long enough, maybe you remember.  I think it must have been my I-am-unique-remember-me response to being one among hundreds of students in my high school.  Oh, yeah, and there was also the turbulence inherent in adolescence—that makes people do strange things.  It didn’t matter what time of year it was—always, my standard greeting was, “Merry Christmas.”  Kind of silly.

            Now that I’m older, and (presumably) wiser, I’ve come to realize that maybe it wasn’t so silly after all.  You see, every day can and should hold a little bit of Christmas, because God, first in the form of Christ, the Son, and now in the presence of the Holy Spirit, has come to live among us.

            And so, I think it’s fitting to remember, after the hustle and bustle and excitement, after the anticipation and build-up, followed by the inevitable let-down of the busy holiday season, that God is here with us.  Every day.  And that is why we celebrate.

            We hope that you have found peace and joy in this truth, even through the busyness of the season which often masks the truth.  We pray that you will be blessed by God’s presence, and experience Christmas joy, every day in the coming year.

Love and peace,
The Bluefield Family
Sawblock, Scarlet, AKD, MC & Roger

(if you're new to my blog and you're wondering who those people are, just click on "Cracking the Code" up there near the top of the page)

Sawblock is still enjoying his job as an engineering consultant, working with a variety of different companies to address their engineering needs.  Most recently, he enjoys mentoring other designers and engineers as they join the company, helping them to be successful.  Sawblock is also the volunteer Cub Master for MC’s Cub Scout Pack, and continues to enjoy people-powered sports, especially kayaking with AKD.
AKD is doing well in 6th grade.  His favorite subject is, as always, PE, with science coming in second (if he has to pick a second favorite), and he plans to become a marine bio-archaeologist.  AKD is our go-to problem solver, and he loves to read and to take stuff apart.  AKD played soccer in the spring and fall and continues to enjoy Boy Scouts.
MC is in 3rd grade.  His favorite subject is (no surprise here) PE, and he tells me his second favorite is music.  MC plans to be a football player (wide receiver with the Vikings) when he grows up.  MC started karate last spring and finds it challenging, but rewarding.  He loves staying active, playing football or basketball almost every day.  He also played soccer in the fall and continues in Cub Scouts.
Roger attends preschool 2 days a week, and he tells me his favorite part is playing with the machines.  He loves playing sports of any kind and antagonizing his favorite brothers.

Scarlet continues to work as mom, wife, and homemaker (whatever that means).  She still cares for 4 year old Pal two days a week, and participates in a child care co-op with another mom once a week.  To stay up to date with Scarlet’s activities and ponderings throughout the year, check out her blog at


  1. It is wonderful to hear from the Sawblocks. And Christmas is all about the birth of the Saviour. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

    Hatman (not so anonymous)

  2. Sounds like ya'll ;-) are staying busy. As are we. It's good to hear from you and see how those youngun's are growing. Our youngest is in college in South Carolina, so we are enjoying some (much needed) quiet time around the home front.
    Hope you have a wonderful New Year, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
    P.S. We didn't get a Christmas letter out this year either.
    Ken & Tami
