Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cute & Easy S'More Teacher Appreciation Gift

I usually shy away from food gifts for teachers, because it just seems like everybody gives food to teachers. And I personally wouldn't like it if everybody gave me food. I mean, I would like it, but I would like it far too much for my own good.

However, I am a complete pushover for punny gifts (that is, gifts involving puns) and I looove chocolate, so when I saw this cute free printable online, I knew we had to make them. My next step was to convince the boys that they wanted to give these to their teachers.

As you can tell from the picture of the completed gifts on my kitchen floor, I succeeded.

You can get the free printable (isn't it just the cutest?--I love the colors) from The Domesticated Lady.  I took a screen shot of the PDF, cropped it, and pasted it into Word, so I could make it exactly the size I wanted (and print more than 1 per page), but you could certainly make it easy on yourself and just print it.

Then throw a fun size Hershey bar, a marshmallow, and graham crackers in a bag (I got these little cellophane bags at Michaels years ago--can't even remember what I originally bought them for), and staple the bag topper to it.  The front says "we need s'more teachers like you," and the back has instructions for making s'mores in the microwave.

And there you have it.  Super easy.  In fact, the most difficult part will be getting the boys to remember to give them to their teachers.

Your turn: what's your go-to teacher appreciation gift?

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