Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Photo Friday

A look back at our week in pictures.

Hubby and AKD went kayaking.  When they returned home, and I asked if they had gone over the waterfall, Hubby said he could neither confirm nor deny my suspicions.  Here's the proof, though:

Yes, that is my husband.

Yes, that is my 11 YEAR OLD son

AAAAAAAKK!  Seriously?

There just happened to be a professional outdoor photographer in the group.

AKD cut the grass.  By himself.
I'm glad, because the last time he cut the grass, I had to ride along
 and he almost took my head off going under some low branches,
while laughing maniacally the whole time.

The boys went fishing

MC and I enjoyed a fun morning bounce session,
courtesy of his school's late start.

Roger and I started turning over the garden, during which Roger found, and decided to adopt, this frog.  Don't ask what happened when Roger decided to carry him in to the house...

Happy Friday everyone!

(whew!  Got that one in under the wire--it's almost Saturday :)