Friday, May 18, 2012

Five Photo Friday

A look back at our week--in pictures.

This week, we planted our garden, such as it is.  Due to its less-than-ideal location, I've been sorely disappointed with low yields in past years, so I wasn't going to plant anything this year.  The children whined and complained I mean spoke persuasively on the topic of why we should plant a garden this year, so we planted just the bare minimum (one thing that each person wanted): pumpkins, sugar snap peas, sunflowers, and zucchini.  We'll be planting tomato plants in the next week or so.  I'll let you guess who wanted what :)

The boys went on a canoe camping trip--sort of a dress rehearsal for the Boundary Waters in July.  Sounds like they had a great time. 

AKD's grade held a Culture Fair on Thursday, highlighting cultures in Africa, Asia, and South America.  AKD created a movie about Peru for his project, and he and his friend Con-Man made and sold Churros at the fair.  It was CRAZY in there.  Imagine 450 or so 6th graders, plus another 250 or so parents and teachers milling about in an area approximately the size of a regular middle school gym, which is half taken up with various projects and food stalls, and you'll have an idea what it was like.  If they were trying to recreate the crowded and confusing atmosphere of a bazaar in some of the countries the kids studied, they succeeded.  I'm amazed and grateful that we made it out alive.

We found eggs!

(Sorry about the blurriness) 
That mama bird is persistent, I'll give her that.  After building a nest on one of the pillars of our porch and having it callously ripped down by my husband, she built another nest on top of another post and promptly laid four grape-sized eggs in it.  I guess we're in for some more baby birds (and a big mess) in a few weeks.

We've been seeing the first Monarchs of the summer flitting about, so we decided to check our milkweed plants for eggs.  And here they are!  Babies are due in 1 or 2 days :)  I'm not quite brave enough to raise them from eggs, but I'll probably bring in a few soon after they hatch.  Hmmm...better start thinking of names.

And that's five pictures...BUT also this week, MC went on a field trip to various places in our town, including a local park with a gorgeous view, a historical building, EMS, Fire, and City Hall, along with a couple of businesses.  I was supposed to go along (and take at least one picture to share with you all), but I decided it would be better to stay home to save my child from the embarrassment of his mama getting sick in the middle of 40 third graders (I am feeling better now, by the way).  *Sigh* Oh well, I've got one more chance to go on this particular field trip...

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