Friday, June 8, 2012

Five Photo Friday: Last week of school

A look back at our week, in pictures:

On Saturday, we went to the kiddie amusement park.  AKD was kind enough to go on the teacups with his little brother.

Monday (after the mustache cookies) was kite day at MC's school.  I picked AKD up at his school for the occasion.  It wasn't windy at all, so we didn't have much luck getting our kites up, but lots of other people did.

Thursday was Pal's last day...ever...with us--next year she's off to kindergarten.  We ended the year the same way we started it, at the beach.  My toenails were not nearly as pretty this time, though.

Thursday was 3rd grade BlastOff day for MC and his classmates.  The kids played a couple of fun relay-type games, and then they spent a good long time shooting off their homemade rockets, before sharing a picnic lunch.
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AKD went to the zoo today, which is a particularly fitting place to take a bunch of 6th graders on the last day of school.  I'm sure he spent some time with this guy.

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