Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Fun To-Do List: Mountain Biking

Well, third time's the charm, I guess.  The boys finally got to go mountain biking today.  It's been quite the saga, getting this outing together.  Last week, the boys slept over one night, planning to leave early the next morning, but it stormed all the following day.  So disappointing.

It was disappointing enough that I decided we needed to reschedule right away.  I studied the weather and decided that Thursday looked like the best biking day this week.  And it really was a beautiful day.  It would have been great for biking.  But the trail was closed due to all the rain we've been getting.  Ug.

So today, finally, all of the pieces fell into place and off we went to the off-road trail, with 3 of AKD's friends.

The before picture:
From left: Con-Man, Ice-Man, D-Dog, AKD, MC
They look like they're in the zone, don't they?

Action shot:
AKD on the high turn
The after picture: well, we didn't get one.  Oops.  Sorry. 

While the big boys were biking, Roger and I headed to the beach for some water-splashing, castle-building, boat-racing fun. 

Everyone had such a great time!  They're already talking about going again.  Soon.  And my response?  Yes!  I will definitely take you again :)

Oh.  Here's the after picture:
The big boys joined us at the beach when they were done biking and we buried 'em in the sand.
From left: D-Dog, AKD, Con-Man, Ice-Man
Here's the updated Summer Fun To-Do List.  We're knocking 'em out, one by one :)
  • the new pool--the one with a zipline and a climbing wall you can jump off of into the water
  • cave (ahhh, 50* F year-round)
  • take a picnic lunch and bike along the river in the city, play in the fountain, and watch the barges
  • indoor waterpark
  • mountain biking with friends Done. Exuberantly.
  • kayaking (perhaps in Colorado) Done, but not the Colorado part.
  • trampoline place
  • inflatable jumpy place: Hoping to pull this one off next week while AKD is out of town 
  • big zoo: Tentatively scheduled for next week (but now AKD says he wants to go with us, so maybe not)
  • hike to the waterfall Done.  Beautifully.
  • take a train ride: Scheduled for this week
  • beach--the one at the man made lake, with the really cool play structure nearby

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