Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Weekly Planning Sheet {free printable}

Is anyone else out there dismayed to watch as the days of summer seem to slip away faster and faster?  As I mentioned yesterday, I need to be really intentional about planning our summer fun or before I know it, the summer's gone and those warm fuzzy memories I was yearning for?  Didn't happen.

Well, not this year, not if I can help it.

So you already know about our list--each of us came up with just 3 things that we really want to do this summer, and we'll do one of those things each week to make sure we get to them all. 

But what about the rest of the time?  Are we going to sit around playing our iPods (that would be AKD and MC) or dumping out the contents of every drawer, bin, and cupboard we can get our hands on (Roger) or constantly and ineffectively attempting to clean up after the kiddos (me)? 

No.  We are not. 

I don't know about you, but I always have these grand plans that hardly ever seem to materialize.  I really think it's because my memory is shot.  I forget.  And the kids take advantage of my forgetfulness and general scatter-brain-ed-ness to avoid whatever it is they wish to avoid.  And I spend more time than I need to being frustrated by their lack of cooperation.

Enter, the summer weekly planner.

It's pretty simple, just 5 columns, one for each week-day, and 4 rows, for meals, chores, fun, and other.  All I did was make a table in Word.  I added chores that needed to be done weekly, printed it out, and placed it in a page protector. 

Each week, the kids and I will sit down to talk about what our week will hold.  I'll use a wet erase (sometimes called vis-a-vis) marker to write in the week's details, and erase at the end of each week.  Our top 12 list is written on the back, along with some other ideas for spontaneous outings.

I should mention that, even though we will be planning for each week, I intend to treat the plan somewhat loosely--after all, some of the magic of summer is due to its relaxed, laid back nature: a lack of structure, a loosening of the rules that bind us so much of the year.

It's really simple, so simple that I'm sure you could make one yourself.  However, if you are like me, and the idea of getting it together to make something like this is overwhelming to you, never fear!  I have made this document available to you for FREE!  It's even editable, because I'm sure your chores will be different than mine.  Just click here, then choose "download" from the file menu, or, if you like it as is, just click on the printer icon.

Update: I've added another FREE printable with Saturday and Sunday on it.
Click here for the editable update.
Click here for the update with no chores (write in your own chores)

I'm expecting that my summer weekly planning sheet will be just the thing to keep the whole family on track and moving in the same direction this summer as we balance fun with obligation, all while (hopefully) maintaining my sanity. 

I'll let you know how it goes...(that is, if it goes well :) )

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