Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Craft of the Month

Well, it's August.  Time for a new craft of the month post.  I actually managed to put together all of the crafts for the rest of the year (*whew* seriously, huge weight off my shoulders!  I have thoroughly enjoyed giving this gift to my nephews, but it was a lot of work, and I'm so glad to be done) and deliver them to my sis in mid-July.  Unfortunately, this means I don't really remember what I gave the boys to do!  I mean, I don't have to think about it anymore, so I'm not.  Thinking about it.

But never fear!  Pinterest to the rescue!  Yay, Pinterest!

August crafts of the month include Shape Sailboats, Aluminum foil river with bottle cap boats, and a TP tube apple tree.  Just click the pictures for instructions.

For the shape sailboat, I instructed the boys to make a background using a couple of different shades of blue paper and tissue paper for the water, and some cotton ball clouds.  If you prefer, you could sponge paint a lake and some clouds.  I think I even told them they could draw some letter m seagulls in the air.

Doesn't this look like fun?  I got the "Tinnissippi River" idea from Family Fun Magazine, but couldn't find the idea posted on their website (they wait a while to post projects from the magazine to their website, I think so people actually buy the magazine instead of just looking at all the projects online), but I found this picture on Filth Wizardry.

I suggested the boys make sails for their bottle cap boats using a length of drinking straw or toothpick for the mast and a paper triangle for the sail.  The sails can be attached to the boats with clay or playdough.

Apples are one of my favorite parts about late summer and fall, and apples are an important crop where my nephews live.  This Apple Tree is so easy and cute, and would be the perfect project to make upon returning home from the apple orchard.  The Happy Home Fairy even includes a template, if you're not confident in your ability to cut out your own tree top freehand.

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