Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet the reMARK(ER)able Teacher (easy teacher gift)

So tonight is meet the teacher night for two of my kidlets.  It's also dentist appointment afternoon and we have soccer practice, so Hubby and I are getting some great multi-tasking-running-kids-around-coordination practice. See, 'cause the dentist appointments are 10 minutes north, followed by meet the teacher #1, which is 10 minutes south, then meet the teacher #2, which is back to the north, and finally soccer practice back to the south again.  Did I mention that all of these activity times overlap?  Don't even ask when we're going to fit dinner in.  I'm so glad Hubby's job is flexible enough for him to help get kids where they need to be on days like today.

Anyway, it's meet the teacher night, and we're coming armed with gifts.  Because we love and appreciate our kids' teachers, and want to show them right from the start.

As you may have guessed if you're a regular reader, I have a fondness for puns, with a particular fondness for punny gifts.  If you share my fondness for puns and punny gifts, check out pinterest--so many great ideas out there.  I haven't seen this idea before, so I thought I'd share it with you.  It's so easy and pretty quick to make.

 I picked up these Bic permanent markers for cheap using a coupon ($3.36 at Walmart, minus $2 coupon), but you could use any type of markers you wish.  Pretty much any teacher can use markers of any kind.
Then I printed "Looking forward to a reMARK(ER)able school year!" on cardstock, cut it out, and used tape to attach to the markers.  You can change the wording to fit your situation--the key is the word remark(er)able.  I had the boys sign their names to the tags after the pics were taken.  I thought about taking the markers out of the package and tying them with a ribbon, but this is easier and still looks cute, right?  That's it.  Easy-peasy.


  1. Forgot to mention I used "GungsuhChe" for reMARK(ER)able and "Elmore" for everything else.

  2. By the way, the kids' teachers *loved* the markers. MC's teacher even said that the gift also benefited his teacher from last year (who was simply the best teacher ever), because she's the one he always steals permanent markers from :)

  3. What font did you use? I love it but can't find it. Thanks!

  4. In response to Anonymous: for the fonts, I used "GungsuhChe" for reMARK(ER)able and "Elmore" for everything else.

    Have fun :)

  5. Thanks so much, Scarlet!!

  6. I found this on pinterest and I would LOVE for you to link up to our back to school link-up. This is such a fabulous (& easy) idea for teachers!

  7. Thanks for the idea, I found it through pinterest and blogged about it here:

  8. sorry I must be a bit slow, what is with the (er) in remarkable? sorry I feel like I should get it but just don't :( cute idea

  9. Hi. So, the ER is because you're giving markers. Not just marks. I'm a sucker for a good (or bad?) pun. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.
