Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Visual Schedule for Preschoolers

The other day my sis mentioned something sweet that my youngest nephew had been doing.  You see, his older brother, Ua, started kindergarten at the end of August, and BL started 3-school (that's preschool, just in case y'all didn't know) about a week ago.  And every day, BL has been asking who has school that day.  Do I have school, mommy?  Does Ua have school?  Isn't that precious?  Just to make it a little more complicated, my sis, an adjunct professor at a local college, has school two days a week as well.

I suggested my sis make a visual schedule for BL to help him know who has what going on each day.  I mentioned that it would help him learn the days of the week, and help him develop a concept of time as well.

My suggestion was met with a short pause, and then a slightly sarcastic, "suuurrre...great idea."  Which I knew meant, "um, Scarlet, you're a little nutso.  No way am I doing that.  But I still love you."

No matter.  Chip is always saying that it's her goal in life to be mentioned on my blog (OK, maybe she's not always saying it, but she has mentioned it once or twice), so I went ahead and made one for her.

It's super easy to do.  Just make a table in word.  Because there are 4 members of the D family, I made 5 columns: one for each family member and one for the days of the week.  Then place a picture of each person in the appropriate row.  Ua has school and Bbil has work every week day, so I put a picture of each of them in each row, Monday through Friday.  BL just has school on Tuesdays and Fridays, so his picture is only in those rows.  Chip has school on Mondays and Thursdays, so her picture is just in those rows.

You certainly could adapt this visual schedule to fit your situation.  Maybe you don't have people going to school on different days.  Maybe you want to put a picture of the grocery store on Tuesday, the library on Thursday, and ballet shoes on Friday.  Whatever it is that your little one wants to keep track of, go for it.

Once you have your chart, print it on cardstock and laminate it (or cover with clear contact paper or put it in a plastic sheet protector) and hang it up where your preschool aged child can reach it and will see it every day. 

Use a clothespin marked "Today", to indicate which day it is.  When your kiddo wakes up in the morning, have him move the clothespin to the next day, et voila, everyone will know who has something going on that day.

If you try it, let me know how it turns out.

So, Chip, I mentioned you on my blog, even posted a pic of you, and I love you, too.  And BL should be looking for a package in the next couple of days :)

I've linked this post up to The Parent 'Hood over at O My Family Blog.

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