Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to make a plush (non) Ducky Momo: a (non) tutorial

Meet Ducky Momo.

He's a character on Disney's Phineas and Ferb.  On the show, he's actually some girl's stuffed animal.

And that's all I know. 

Three weeks ago, I didn't even know that.  Three weeks ago, one of my Facebook friends posted a pic and asked if any of her friends knew how to make it.

I saw the picture and it didn't look too difficult, so I thought I'd help a friend out and find a pattern for her.  I was intending to just give her the pattern for someone else to make.  But I couldn't find a pattern.  A n y w h e r e.

And if you are reading this post, you're probably in about the same boat as I was.  Searching "ducky momo pattern" 'til your fingers revolt and finding...well, at least now you've found this :)  I'm here for you, friend, even if we've just met.

Anyway, I couldn't find a pattern, but I love a challenge, and especially in these days of mothering in the trenches it is so gratifying to have something creative to do that has nothing to do with my kids.  So, I told her I'd make one.

Meet my non-Ducky Momo.
I'm not quite sure how to take this, but when my Hubby saw the finished Ducky he said, "I'm impressed, that's actually kind of cute."  Well, ok.

Before we go any further, I'd like to point out that this is not Ducky Momo.  He's totally different.  His feet are smaller, his legs are longer, his beak doesn't have stitching, his wings are pointed the wrong way, and his tail is longer and shaped different than Ducky Momo.  The slits in his eyes are narrower and point slightly to the side instead of straight down, and the eyes are closer together.  Oh, and the crown is bigger, too.  I say all this because the nice lady at the fabric store told me that in order to not be in violation of copyright laws, my product has to be at least 10% different from theirs.  Believe me, it's different.  And I'm not selling it.  So don't come after me.

Now that that's out of the way...

This isn't a tutorial; I'm not going to tell you how to make this thing.  I'm assuming if you're online searching for a Ducky Momo plush pattern or tutorial you kind of have an idea how to make something like this already.  So I'm just going to tell you where to get the pattern pieces, and you can put it together.  K?  K.

All right, so for the body, I used the body from this free octopus pattern.  I cut the pattern piece in half length-wise and added 2 inches.  Then I cut it in half width-wise and added 5 inches.  The bottom is a 6.5 inch diameter circle that I drew in Microsoft Word.  For these I used a 1/2 inch seam allowance.

Lizzie Love version of DUCKY MOMO - Candace's Favorite Toy from Disney's Phineas & Ferb - Plush Softie
For the wings and tail, I printed this picture from an etsy listing, traced around the outlines and enlarged them 225%.  I put them together adding seam allowance like this.

For the beak, I used the bottom beak pattern piece from this adorable free platypus pattern (guess what my next project will be)
Image for Plattie The Platypus DIY Craft Project
The feet were also from the platypus pattern, but I enlarged it 150% (and I don't think they're quite big enough).

The white part of the eyes were a 4.25 inch diameter circle and the black part was a 1.25 inch circle (I traced the cap of a bottle of sprinkles).

The crown piece is a 13 x 1.5 inch rectangle with six 2-inch wide by 1.5 inch high rectangles centered on it.  I incorporated a half inch seam allowance onto the bottom and sides, and used the technique explained here to add seam allowance to the top triangles.

The finished non-Ducky is about 12 inches high, and maybe 8 wide?  I forgot to measure him.  I used 1/2 yard of yellow fleece, 1/8 yard each of orange and white fleece (if you have scraps, you probably have enough), and a scrap of black felt--add a couple of spools of thread and some fiberfill, and he cost about $10 to make. 

If you run into problems, feel free to comment below or contact me through my contact page and I'll see if I can help.

Happy sewing :)


  1. Thanks so much! My niece wants Ducky Momo for Christmas and you can't buy them anywhere!

  2. Hi, I'm in the process of making your Non-ducky Momo. Have a question, how did you attach his eyes? Did you gather the edges and then attach?


  3. Yes, I gathered the edges, stuffed a walnut sized piece of fiberfill in, then sewed the edges together, making a disc. Then I sewed the eyes to Ducky's face. Good luck--I hope it turns out!

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