Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lead with Praise

MC was sick, violently sick, through the night Sunday and continuing into Monday.  He's home sick from school today, too.  How will I respond?


Just last week my Bible study girls and I read and discussed part 4 in Lysa Terkeurst's book, Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl.  The premise of the book is that we can go through the motions of a Christian life: say all the right things, do all the right things, read the Bible, quote scripture, but still not personally experience God's presence.  We can do all the good Bible study girl things, but still long for a deeper connection between what we know in our head and our everyday reality.

It is a fabulous book, and I highly recommend it.

Anyway, part 4 is (becoming more than a good Bible study girl) in my struggles.  We all have them.  Jesus said in this world we will have trouble, but He has overcome the world (John 16:33).  We definitely cannot control the circumstances of many of the storms and struggles that come our way in this life, but we can control how we choose to respond.  One of Lysa's suggestions for "when [our] ugly comes out," in response to life's storms and struggles is to lead with praise.

The idea is to find God's presence in the situation, and by doing so, remind ourselves that God is bigger than our circumstances, and God is in control.

I wonder if all 8 or so of us who were there last Wednesday will be getting a chance to practice leading with praise before we meet again--I know for sure that 3 of us have.  What a blessing to have been given this reminder to lead with praise immediately before these storms struck in each of our lives.
So, how will I respond?  With praise.
  • Thank you, God, that MC's aim has improved so much since the last time he was sick.
  • Thank you, God, that even though there's nothing I can do for MC to make him feel better, we live in a country with excellent, readily available medical care, so that there are things that can be done to ensure this illness is not life-threatening, as it would be in so many other places around the world.
  • Thank you, God, that Hubby has a job that provides medical insurance.
  • Thank you, God, that I don't have a job, other than being my kids' mom, so that I can easily relinquish my plans for the day to care for my sick child.
  • Thank you, God, that yesterday and today are school days for Bubby, which means I have time to rest after a restless night, and there is less time in these days that I need to be vigilant in keeping him from antagonizing his brother.
  • Thank you, God, for a washer and dryer to make quick work of the 7 loads oops, make that 8 loads, of additional laundry that have been generated as a result of this mis-adventure.
  • Thank you, God, for placing an empty laundry basket in MC's room, so I could carry his soiled linens upstairs without fear of smearing vomit all over myself.
  • Thank you, God, for carpet and upholstery cleaner, for sanitizing wipes and Lysol sanitizing spray.
  • Thank you, God, for the extra time to spend with my precious boy yesterday and today.
  • Thank you, God, for being present, even in this situation.  Thank you for the precious gift of perspective this day.

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