Friday, December 21, 2012

The other day I opened my washing machine to find destruction.  It was a massacre: complete carnage.  I had washed my middle child's pillow pet (which he absolutely adores and sleeps with every night--thank you Aunt Chip and Uncle Bbil), and when I opened the lid, his guts were everywhere. 

And I do mean everywhere. Days later we're still finding bits of stuffing in our washer and dryer. I am absolutely flabbergasted at how much stuffing came out and how fluffy he still was in spite of the stuffing-loss. 

What a brave doggy.  He's still smiling despite his harrowing trip through the wash.

I gallantly gathered as much stuffing as I could and gently shoved it back inside his battered carcass, along with a bit extra from my stash.  A few stitches later, and he was as good as new--maybe even better than new.  He only bears a slight scar from his experience--I, however, will be haunted forever.

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