Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lesson learned: God is enough

I was feeling restless that morning: empty and lonely, and I felt like I just needed...something.  So I reached out to a friend.  I desperately wanted to see her, talk to her, that morning.

But I got no response what-so-ever.  Not even a, sorry, I'm busy this morning.  Nothing.

I was bitterly disappointed.  I felt like I needed to spend time with this friend to make the icky feeling go away. 

God whispered to my spirit, "I am enough for you, my child.  I am enough."

And I self-importantly answered, "yes, God, I know you're enough, but..." (oh, the presumptuousness!  Who am I to say "but" to God?) "...but sometimes I just need someone to talk to face to face, someone to physically put their arms around me."

It's true, my friends--we are called to be the hands and feet of God in this world.  We are his body, and sometimes, being held in the arms of a friend is a holy experience, a hug from God.  If we just trust in him, God will meet all of our needs, and most of the time he's working through imperfect, but obedient people to meet those needs.

I went about my morning chores still feeling out of sorts and empty, but since God kept whispering to me, I finally decided if I didn't hear from this friend by 10, I would spend the time I would have spent with her, with God.

At the appointed time, I reluctantly got out my Bible and the devotional book I'm reading (love it!  Unglued Devotional by Lysa TerKeurst).  Reluctantly, I say, because I still thought what I really needed was not time with God, but time with my friend.  I'm reading the devotional through fast, about 10 devotions a day, so I can write a review, then I'm planning to go back and read it slowly to savor its truths.  So I opened to the next devotion and it was about storing up treasures in heaven instead of on earth.  I pondered that for a bit and read on to the next one.

And the next one spoke straight to my soul, telling me that no one and no thing can fill the empty spaces within, but Jesus.  Jesus really is all I need.

I broke down, my friends.  I prayed, "God, you are enough.  Absolutely and completely, no buts."

It was a breakthrough moment--one that I will remember for a long time.

And it was at that exact moment that my friend finally called.

Did that just give you chills?  It did me.

It was as if God was smiling in that moment and saying, "daughter, I am so thrilled you finally understand that I am really enough for you, and here's a friend to put her arms around you, too."  What an incredible gift!

Can I just stop for a moment and marvel at all of the intricate pieces of this puzzle fitting together so perfectly? That Lysa would write this book in this particular order? That I would choose to review this particular book next because I had heard about it in the context of my mom's study group? That I would read right up to this point and stop the previous day? That my friend wouldn't see my 3 messages until after I had read this particular devotion? That she would call at exactly that moment? Oh my word, the logistics! And that God would care enough about little old me to set this entire plan in motion? It boggles my mind, people.

My friends, it is so easy for us to try to solve our own problems.  We think that we know what we need, but we can't see the forest for the trees.  We see only our limited world view, while God sees the big picture.  He knows what's best for us; He knows what we need.  And He will do his darnedest to get it to us, even if it means we have to go through heartache and disappointment to get there.

But he said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

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