Saturday, August 10, 2013

Back to School Sweet Treats

It's a bit of a tradition around here to make a special treat for the kidlets to enjoy after their first day of school.  This year, it's all the more important to keep this tradition going because my youngest is starting kindergarten.  That's right: all three of my babies will be in school!  This is definitely a reason to celebrate :)

So I've been doing a little research, trying to decide what to make, and I thought I'd share these terrific ideas that I've come across.  Maybe y'all can help me decide ;)

Aren't these blackboards sweet?  Crissy's Crafts shows how to make these.
Check out this cute bus cake from Sizzle N Spice.  I actually made this cake waaaaay back when AKD started kindergarten.  It's tempting to make it know, a tradition within a tradition...but I think I'd rather make something new.

Aren't these little school buses, also from Sizzle N Spice, just adorable?!  Very simple to make, and a little better for ya than cake.

Like a Pretty Petunia offers a free printable to help you make these cute school buses from itty bitty candy bars.

Back to School Craft. A Pencil Treat with
This is genius.  Live, Laugh, Rowe shows how to make these pencil treats using rolos and kisses.  If you don't have silver thread, just use aluminum foil.

Crafty Mischief whipped up a batch of these pencil-shaped cookies for her kiddos.
cute pencil cookies

Can you believe these colored pencils are actually cookies?  Very cool, from Lushome.
I love these edible "crayons" from Our Best Bites.

I made these cupcakes a couple of years ago, too.  For how-tos, head over to Sinful Southern Sweets.
I have a few more treats to share with you, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow for those.  What do you think so far?  Which of these treats looks the best to you?  Which one do you think I should make?  Let me know in the comments!

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