Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Bzz About Clean

For as much as I hate cleaning, I sure do spend an awful lot of time doing it.  That's why I was excited when sent over a few of the new Lysol Power & Free products for me to try.

Lysol Power & Free products use the power of hydrogen peroxide to penetrate messes without the use of harsh chemicals like bleach. Anything that saves me time while cleaning is a winner in my book, so I wasted no time putting these products to use in my kitchen and bathroom.


First I attacked the stovetop, a task I dread.  A recent (and by recent, I mean sometime in the past 3 months), boil-over left one of the burner wells caked with grime, and there were various other unidentified messes.  I sprayed the whole thing liberally with Lysol Power & Free Multi-Purpose cleaner, and waited about 5 minutes before scrubbing with a rag.  That boil-over cleaned right up, and as I scrubbed, even some of the stains that had been there for as long as I could remember were disappearing.  With a rag, people! 

I resprayed, let it sit for another 5 minutes, and this time used a scrubby sponge.  I tell you, my stove top is cleaner than it's been in years.


Next, I moved to the bathroom.  Now, for those of you who don't know, I am the lone female in a house full of boys.  Three of them.  Four if you count my husband.  And I love them.  I really do.  But their aim?  It leaves a little something to be desired.  I really thought their aim would improve as they got older, but it hasn't.  If anything, it's gotten worse.  It is gross, my friends.  It looks gross, it smells gross.  My bathroom is gross.

I will spare you the before and afters on this one, my friends. 

You're welcome.

Lysol Power & Free Multi-Purpose Cleaning Wipes are so convenient and easy to use, I can just give that gross floor around the commode a quick wipe every day.  I love the soft, rag-like texture.  They work well, clean up the mess, and leave behind a pleasant scent, in less than a minute.  These have become my new favorite cleaning wipes.

The best part?  There are no harsh chemicals or fumes in these products, so I don't need to wear gloves or worry about using them around my kids (or making the kids use them).  And this stuff doesn't just clean.  It also kills up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria when used as directed.

So, my friends, with Lysol Power & Free cleaners in my cleaning arsenal, I'm spending a little less time cleaning these days, which is a good thing, because believe me, I've got plenty of better things to do!

For more information about Lysol Power & Free and other Lysol products, or for coupons and other special offers, click here.
Thank you to BzzAgent for providing these products free of charge for me to try.  All opinions are my own.

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