Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bluefields' Annual Christmas Letter

Dear Friends,

                Merry Christmas!  Yes, our Christmas greetings are late, once again.  You’ve come to expect this from us by now, haven’t you?  Although I suppose, since as I type, we are merely on the 8th day of Christmas, there is still time.  Or, we can just think of this letter as our annual reminder to you that Christmas isn’t about a day, or even just a season.  Christmas is about God with us, every day.

                We are well.  Our oldest, AKD, is 13 and in the 8th grade.  He loves to kayak and bike, and is looking forward to playing travel soccer in the spring.  AKD is also busy with Boy Scouts, aiming to achieve his Eagle award before his 16th birthday.  AKD is a terrific problem solver and is talking about pursuing engineering as a career, perhaps with the Coast Guard.

                MC is 10 and in 5th grade.  His life revolves around football—I’m not sure who he’ll cheer for now that his beloved Vikings are (once again) out of the playoffs.  MC took a break from karate this fall after falling, opening a gash in his leg that required 12 stitches to close.  MC’s fall was followed by football season, where he was part of the champion Honey Badgers.  The highlight of the season was when MC intercepted a pass in traffic during the 2nd playoff game, which shifted the momentum of the game, leading to a victory.  MC is also a Cub Scout, and is looking forward to crossing over to the Boy Scout Troop in February.

                Bubby is 6 and just started kindergarten.  He seems to like school and has made some new friends.  Bubby loves to draw and will climb anything.  Bubby lost his first 3 baby teeth this year and learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  Bubby has also become involved with Cub Scouts as a Lion Cub and is looking forward to playing soccer or T-ball in the spring.

                Sawblock is still working as an engineering consultant, and Scarlet is trying to figure out what she wants to do now that all the kids are in school.  We hope that all is well with you as we enter this new year.  We pray that you will be blessed mightily. 


The Bluefields

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