Wednesday, March 5, 2014

On My Nightstand: March

Hey, here's what I'm reading this month.  Affiliate links are provided for your convenience. 

And can I just say, isn't my nightstand gorgeous?  Coupled with the wall color?  Love. It.  Thank you, Hubby!


by Eugene Peterson
I have long wanted a copy of this Bible paraphrase written in contemporary language.  It won't replace my NIV Study Bible, but it is an excellent tool for understanding.  And its narrative, storytelling format is perfect for me, who has a hard time reading nonfiction, to read.  The best Bible for you is the one you'll actually read.

by Francine Rivers
This is the third book in Rivers' 5-book Lineage of Grace series, which tells the story of Ruth in historical context.  I'm reading through the series with my mom's group this spring, and we are loving the way these Biblical women come to life through the author's words.

by Veronica Roth
Yes, it's back again!  And I am so glad I waited to read this after the first book.  This is the second book in Roth's Divergent Series, which explores future Chicago, a city which has divided into 5 factions in an effort to maintain peace.  But peace based on division is bound to be short lived.  A couple of weeks ago, one of our pastors mentioned that one can learn about our culture's deepest fears by looking to pop culture--she mentioned the current wild popularity of dystopic literature by way of example.  AKD and I are reading this book simultaneously.  In other words, if I can't find my book, I know where to go looking!  We've got Allegiant out from the library right now, too.

by Steven Furtick
In Crash the Chatterbox, Furtick shows how to use the "noise-canceling" truth of God's word to drown out voices of negativity in four key areas: insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement.  I've made this book part of my Lenten observance, and I'm loving it so far.  This is my current Blogging for Books selection.

by Jenifer Jernigan
This is one of four Bible studies in the new inScribed collection published by Thomas Nelson, and released on Monday.  These books are gorgeous, with nice heavy paper and place-keeping flaps.  This particular one is a study of Ephesians, which just happens to have 6 chapters, so it's perfect for adding to my Lenten practice.  In this book, Jernigan models her D.I.V.E. approach to studying the Bible, teaching the method along with exploring the message of Ephesians.  This is my current BookLook Bloggers selection.

That's what I've got for ya.  What are you reading?


  1. The Divergent series sounds interesting, so I thought I'd check my library. There is a wait list of 334 on the first book. Even the e-book has 247 holds on it. That is on every book in the the whole Jefferson County Library system (apparently 57 hard-copies and 32 e-book copies), but even so, it doesn't look like I'll be reading it soon.

    Since you asked ... I'm reading "Island of the Sequined Love Nun" by Christopher Moore on my Tablet's Kindle Reader. I have James Patterson's "Roses are Red" and "Innocence" by Dean Koontz queued up to read next.

  2. The movie's coming out March 21--that's probably why your library system has so many requests right now. And the third book in the series just came out in 2014, so there are probably a lot of holds on it as well.

    I requested all three at the same time and got Insurgent 2 months ago. I had to return it to wait for Divergent, and got Divergent about 2.5 weeks ago. When I got Divergent, I re-requested Insurgent, and both Insurgent and Allegiant came in a week ago. It actually worked out well, because I'm getting to read the whole series in quick succession.

  3. Apparently, my wife has been reading the series because there was a copy of Allegiant sitting on our stairs last night when I got home. She is borrowing Allegiant from one of her girlfriends. I am guessing I could ask her to borrow the first 2 books from the same friend, but I am ok waiting. Since getting my tablet for Christmas, I've actually discovered (much to my surprise) that I really like the e-book option for library books.

  4. My pile currently holds: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (reading to oldest kid); Planet of the Lawn Gnomes (reading to both boys - their dad would be afraid); Outlive your Life Participant Guide by Max Lucado (for Bible Study I started yesterday); Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher (from a friend and it's alright but I want to get through it soon so I can start on...Alligiant!!) ESheppy, I'm sure your wife's friend has the other books of that series and would be willing to share. Your wife just gave her four of her Game of Thrones books. Remember, you won't be able to read any ebooks on Sundays for the next several weeks!

  5. Allegiant is told from the alternating perspectives of Tris and Tobias, rather than exclusively Tris. Not sure how I feel about that yet. But AKD read the first 96 pages in about an hour yesterday, so it must be compelling.
