Friday, August 15, 2014

Where July and half of August went

July happened, and now here we are midway through August.  Relentless, that march of time.

At the beginning of July, Hubby, AKD, and MC spent a week at Boy Scout camp.  They had a great time, as evidenced by their incredible stinkiness upon arriving back home.  The boys each ranked up and earned several merit badges.

The next week, everybody was home, and not much happened, besides much planning of future meals.  Oh, and the end of the soccer season.  Whew!  Finally.  AKD's team won their division and went to the state tournament, but did not advance to the final game.

Then Hubby was in Mexico for a week, and MC had football camp.  On Friday, AKD when to the county fair with his buddies, and the rest of us headed to the big zoo.  They've built a very fun playground (with a HUGE mosquito on which to climb) and splash pad since the last time we visited.

The following week, we headed to Voyageurs National Park to spend a week on a houseboat.  So fun, and very relaxing.  We had a slide on our boat and swam every day.

The last week in July, Hubby's sister and her family came to visit.  Each day, Chip did something she had never done before.  I suspect her husband and kids had never done most of these things, either.  We went to a fun nature center with an interactive playground and built a teepee.  We watched a lift bridge go up, we went to an indoor amusement park, we went on a paddleboat and went to a drive in movie.  Best of all, we hung out and enjoyed each other.

The first week in August, Hubby and AKD headed out on a Boy Scout trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, while MC, Bubby and I stayed home.  We headed to our favorite beach and playground and to an amusement park and zoo.  We also got Bubby registered for school, and got MC weighed in for fall football.

The next week, this past week, MC had a transition class at his new school.  We also spent some time in our pool and just enjoying each other's company.  We got MC registered for school and picked up his Chromebook, about which he is very excited.  Bubby was enrolled in a Vacation Bible School this week, as well.

Yesterday we let our first monarch of the season go.  Turns out Stripy is a girl.  And not so Stripy as an adult :)  Tiny and Super Tiny are still in the pupa stage, but Tiny's getting close to adulthood.

Today we registered AKD for high school.  I'm not sure how this can be, that my baby will be a freshman, but there it is.  Two more weeks of summer, and then it's back to...some sort of normal.  Our new normal, with 3 kids in 3 different schools, anyway.  We have a few more fun activities planned and then we're off and running into the new school year.

So that's what happened.  How was your July?  And how are you spending your last bits of summer?

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