Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Last night I posted this status update on Facebook:
I'm feeling more nervous for this back to school than I have for a LOT of back to schools. Maybe since [AKD] started kindergarten 9 years ago. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
I take that back.  I don't think I have ever felt this nervous on back to school day.  Ever.  Including when I was in school. 

Some of my friends wrongly assumed I was nervous about AKD starting High School.  My friends assured me he would be fine, but I already know that.  Yes, it's a big step and I can hardly believe my baby is taking it today, but nope.  Not really.  He's ready.  AKD is...amazing.  Confident and responsible and resourceful and suchagreatkid.  And Bubby, well, he's in the same school that all of my kids have attended, surrounded by grown ups who know and love him, have known him since he was born, with the same teacher MC had, in the same classroom all of my kids spent time in.

No, the one I'm really concerned about is my brand new middle schooler.  MC is also amazing and suchagreatkid, but confident, responsible, and resourceful are not words I would use to describe him.  It is incredibly fortunate that his older brother walked the Middle School halls before him, otherwise I don't know if I would be able to form complete sentences right now.  

I know he'll get it eventually.  I know he has lots of support to help him adjust.  I know God has great plans for him.  But sitting here staring at all of the obstacles in his path between here and there, I just can't see the way through.

Praise be to the God who sees the path and shows us just what is needed to get to the next bend.

I still feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Anyway... Happy new year!

The calendar may say it starts in January, but we all know that for students and teachers and mamas of school-aged kids, the new year really starts in September, when the kids go back to school.  It feels like a time for new beginnings, to reevaluate, to reset, to get back on track.

So my question for you, dear friends, is what are you resetting or starting new?

No first day of school pics because I'm a failure.  Here are some from last year.  They're a little bit taller now, and their hair is a little shorter, but you get the idea...

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