Monday, March 16, 2015

Menu plan for the week of March 16

You might notice a theme for Tuesday's supper this week.  Everything's green.  There's even something green in Spanish in honor of ... some Irish guy.  Maybe that should be Chicken Chili Glas instead.  Or Cearc Chili Glas?  No.  That's taking it too far.

--Hot beef sandwiches with buns & provolone, salad, broccoli/cauliflower/carrots
--Chicken chili verde, green tortillas, taco toppings, roasted broccoli or brussels sprouts, green stuff
--Spaghetti or zucchini noodles with meat sauce, salad, green beans
--Grilled chicken skewers, salad, corn
--Grilled pizza, salad
--Hamburgers, buns, carrots, green stuff

Next Monday's supper:
--Wild rice casserole, veg

--Ranch dressing mix
--30 minute rolls
--Taco bean soup
--Whole grain flax bread

What's on your menu this week?

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