Thursday, October 1, 2015

A beautiful place

St croix usvi.jpg
"St croix usvi". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikipedia 
Last March I was talking to a friend about her spring break trip to some beautiful island location.  She was saying that she had heard it was beautiful, and believed it was beautiful, but until she got there, she didn't realize how incredibly beautiful it was.  It surprised her.  She just couldn't fathom it, having never been there before, and of course, she couldn't really put it into words.  It's just something one has to experience for oneself.

She also said she can't wait to go back.

As I sat there listening to her, I couldn't help but think about heaven.  I have heard that heaven is beautiful, and I believe that heaven is beautiful.  But I really think, that until I get there, I just can't even imagine what it's like--it is incredibly beautiful, more than any of us can fathom, and we are all just going to have to experience it for ourselves to know how beautiful.

I have another friend who a few times has told me that she's really looking forward to heaven.  She's not quite envious or jealous of people who get to go there before her, but she is waiting with impatient, joyful anticipation of that day (my words, not hers, but I do think they sum up her feelings on the matter--if not, she can let me know).  She can't wait to be there.

I have to tell you the truth.  The first time my friend said this, I was worried for her.  She was as much as saying that she couldn't wait to die, which is a huge red flag.  But it doesn't worry me anymore, and here's why.

I agree with her.  I can't wait.  I mean, I can wait, because I have to, but I am really looking forward to that day.

16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one.   
Hebrews 11:16a

God created us with a hole in us, a longing to be in relationship with God, and here on earth, this fallen and broken place, it is not possible to be in perfect communion with God.  What we have here on earth is not what God intended for us--here on earth we are incomplete.

But in heaven.  In heaven we will enter into perfect relationship with God, with no ugly brokenness to get in the way.  No death or sickness or mourning or crying or pain.  We will be made whole.

It will be beautiful.

This weekend, I worshiped with Building 429.  I love this song.  We don't belong here.  Heaven is our home.

All I know is I'm not home yet.
This is not where I belong.
Take this world and give me Jesus.
This is not where I belong.

(if you are reading this post via email, you might have to click through to the blog post 
to view the video)

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” 

Revelation 21:3-4

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