Monday, December 28, 2015

Favorite Christmas posts countdown: 5

This week I'm sharing some of my favorite Christmas posts from over the years.  This one was first published in December of 2008.

The Hunt

One of our favorite parts of getting ready for Christmas is going Christmas tree hunting. 

On our way to the tree farm, we saw several folks traveling south with 500 pointers on the roofs of their vehicles, so we knew we were getting close to good huntin' grounds. To pass the time, we made up a little song. It went like this (sort of to the tune of O Christmas Tree):

It's Christmas day, it's Christmas day,
we're gonna catch a big one.
[silence--that was Bubby's part]
fa la la la la la la la la

It's a fun little song, doncha think? Kinda catchy.

When we arrived, we set off. Luckily, those trees don't move very fast, because we're not very speedy all bundled up in our snow gear.

Here's a picture of our tree in the wild...

And here's a picture after we felled it...
After all that hard hunting we decided to take a hay ride,

drink some hot apple cider,

and sit by the fire (but I didn't get a picture of that).

After we returned home, we turned on the Christmas carols, ate popcorn, and drank hot chocolate to celebrate our successful hunt. Everyone was eager to help put our trophy on display. Here is Bubby explaining the best way to get it in.

MC helped with the lights

Everything was going well, until we had a minor set-back.

But we overcame all obstacles, and it was time for the ornaments. Here are the first few going on the tree.

Let me leave you with the words of my new favorite Christmas song: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Casting Crowns

I heard the bells on Christmas day; 
Their old familiar carols play; 
And mild and sweet their songs repeat; 
Of peace on earth good will to men

And the bells are ringing; Like a choir they're singing; 
In my heart I hear them; Peace on earth, good will to men

And in despair I bowed my head; 
There is no peace on earth I said; 
For hate is strong and mocks the song; 
Of peace on earth, good will to men

But the bells are ringing; Like a choir singing; 
Does anybody hear them?; Peace on earth, good will to men

Then rang the bells more loud and deep; 
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; 
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail; 
With peace on earth, good will to men

Then ringing singing on its way; 
The world revolved from night to day; 
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime, 
Of peace on earth, good will to men

And the bells they're ringing; Like a choir they're singing; 
And with our hearts we'll hear them; Peace on earth, good will to men

Do you hear the bells they're ringing?; 
The life the angels singing; 
Open up your heart and hear them; 
Peace on earth, good will to men

Peace on earth, Peace on earth; Peace on earth, Good will to men...

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