Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4

Only one more day to go. You know, this is one of the most fun spring breaks I've ever had. The only thing that would make it better would be having Hubby along on our adventures. The weather has even been just gorgeous and spring-like. This morning, it was off to MOPS. I just have to say, I love my discussion group. I wish we could all hang together again next year, but I think they'll probably split us up. Good, I guess--that way I'll get to know some more amazing women. Now we've got more friends over (Derek again and Louie), and Bubby is finally napping...

The real test comes tomorrow. It's the perfect storm of bad spring break karma...the weather is supposed to turn colder, with rain and maybe even snow, and we're going to be stuck at home all day with no plans and no friends to distract and entertain us. Tomorrow Code-man needs to start growing his stalactites again, now that we know how to do it, and we (I) decided that we needed two full days of not going anywhere to keep an eye on them. What have I done? Maybe we only need one full day of not going anywhere, followed by twice daily measurements for a week...

Then it's the weekend, and back to school on Monday, followed by Hubby's return very late Monday night :-)

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