Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3

Day 3 of our exciting spring break Stay-cation found us making the trek to Club Just Jump, followed by lunch out and cookie hunting (sadly, there were absolutely no cookies in our house, and no chocolate chips with which to make cookies, either, last night when we were craving them).
Club Just Jump was lots of fun. It was hard to get them all to stop bouncing at once, so I settled for two out of three. For those of you who have been to Crazy Bounce, Just Jump is a lot maybe 1/3 the size, but still enough fun for all of us. That obstacle course was nuts.

We spent two hours there, and those boys wore me out...up the slide, down the slide, up the slide, down the slide, through the obstacle course, up the slide, down the slide, through the other obstacle course three times, repeat! With about 15 minutes to go, I corralled all three of 'em in the bouncy basketball court, and laid my weary self down in a corner. Each time a ball bounced my way, I attempted a half-hearted basket, but I think I only made one.

Upon our arrival home, we washed the truck, which of course, necessitated getting out the hose.

I'm not really sure if it looks better now than before we started, but at least we made the effort. Then Code-man decided a little archery was in order. I really thought I had more time before I had to come up with family archery guidelines...

Up next, more fun tomorrow!

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