Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break day 2

Day 2 of our Spring Break Stay-cation found us heading off to Nickelodeon Universe at MOA, and just in case you were wondering, no, I was not brave enough to park the Suburban in the ramp.

Sponge-Bob says "Think Happy." Logo was not thinking happy at the time of this photo.That's three kids we don't know, Bubby, Code-man, and Logo.

Judging from number of times ridden, I would say the Log Chute was our family's favorite ride.

They're in there...really.

And, proving, once more, that it is impossible to go to the Mall of America without running into somebody you know, we saw Louie, Alex(andra), and their mom, Andi today.

That's all for now...more fun tomorrow.

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