Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday snapshot

Bubby got this inflatable tube thingy for Christmas and we finally got around to inflating it today.  So much fun!  I got it last year on clearance, and when Christmas-time rolled around, I wasn't so sure that Bubby would like it, but I needn't have worried: he loved it!  Bubby rolled in it.  Rufus rolled in it.  Bubby and Rufus rolled in it.  Bubby made me roll in it.  We stood it on end and played peek-a-boo... Please note Bubby's hair standing on end.

Here's an action shot:
You may be wondering why this tube thingy is upstairs in the living room, when generally we keep things like this downstairs in the family room where there are fewer breakables to knock over.  Funny story.  No way was I going to be able to remain conscious long enough to blow the thing up myself, so I decided to use the air compressor.  The air compressor is in the garage.  Not wanting Hubby to necessarily know that I had used it (he's a bit possessive of his tools sometimes), and in any case, not being sure how to safely transport it anywhere else, I decided to use the compressor in place.  But since I didn't want the tube thingy to get dirty, I snaked the compressor hose over to the mud room to blow it up there.  I had a brief thought that maybe once we got it blown up we wouldn't be able to get it through the door, out of the mud room, but decided that it would probably fit (have I ever mentioned that my spacial analysis skills leave something to be desired?). 

It didn't.  Fit, that is.  I had to squeeze and push and push and squeeze to get it through the mud room door into the hallway, and then it was stuck there.  I finally maneuvered it over to the living room, looked at the staircase and thought, "do I dare?"  Nope.  I most definitely do not dare, although Bubby was egging me on, telling me that of course it would fit.  So for now, we have this huge inflated tube thingy gracing our living room.  Could be a while, too, as I'm not sure Hubby's going to want to deflate, move and re-inflate it for us anytime soon...

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