Sunday, January 30, 2011

Orchestra Hall

Today we attended the Minnesota Orchestra's performance of "Musical Tales," part of the Target Free Family Concert Series.  I apologize for the poor quality of the pics--cell phone, no flash.
We've found our seats and are waiting for the musicians to begin.

The view of the orchestra from our seats
I think Logo's favorite part of the experience was walking in the Minneapolis skyway--what a wonderful way to get around the city.  Code-man's favorite part seemed to be telling us all about the time he went to Orchestra Hall on a school field trip--he's the only one of us who had been before.  I think Bubby liked the fact that our seats were in our own little box so that he could roam at will :-)

My favorite piece was "Tubby the Tuba," based on the book by Paul Tripp.  The orchestra told the story of Tubby, who was tired of always playing oompahs and never getting to play melodies, through word and music.  Very cute story, and I love how the instruments and the narrator told the story together.  Another of my favorites was "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," which you may remember from Disney's Fantasia.  Again, the instruments told the story so beautifully.  The piece was accompanied by drawings made by school children who had seen the show earlier in the week.  The drawings were projected on the screen above and behind the orchestra.  When I asked the boys if they enjoyed the concert, they all replied enthusiastically in the affirmative, and I know I enjoyed the experience.  It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon together, and I was thankful for the opportunity.

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