Friday, August 12, 2011

Cinnamon Swirl Bread

I decided to make cinnamon swirl bread yesterday afternoon, while my older boys were both at day camp and Bubby was visiting a friend.  But somehow, I ended up taking a nap instead.  Oops.  Oh well, that gave the butter p l e n t y of time to soften.
That's why I found myself still awake last night close to midnight with that wonderful baking-bread smell overlaid with cinnamon-y goodness wafting toward my grateful nose.  Mmmm.  Is there anything better than the smell of baking bread?

I was inspired by this recipe from Saving Addiction, but since I don't have a bread maker (or, as Hubby will tell you, I am the bread maker), I adapted it with the help of good ol' Betty (Crocker, that is).  I noticed the bread recipe was pretty close to Betty's Traditional Roll Dough recipe, so I used that recipe for the dough, and used Saving Addiction's recipe for the filling.

3 1/2 to 3 3/4 c. all purpose flour
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. softened butter (or shortening or margarine)
1 t. salt
1 pkg (2 1/4 t) dry yeast
1/2 c. very warm (120-130 degrees) water
1/2 c. very warm (120-130 degrees) milk
1 egg

egg white
1/4 c. melted butter
1/3 c. sugar mixed with 2 t. ground cinnamon
  • Mix 2 cups of the flour, the sugar shortening, salt and yeast in a medium bowl. 
  • Add warm water, warm milk, and egg. 
  • Beat on low speed 1 minutes, scraping bowl frequently. 
  • Beat on medium speed 1 minute scraping bowl frequently. 
  • Stir in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. 
  • Turn dough onto lightly floured surface.  Knead about 5 minutes until smooth and elastic. 
  • Place in greased medium bowl and turn greased side up.  Let rise in warm place about 1 hour or until double. 
  • Punch down dough.  Roll or flatten into a 9 x 18 inch rectangle. 
  • Brush with egg white.  Brush with melted butter.  Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. 
  • Starting with one 9 inch side, tightly roll dough, pinching edge firmly to seal.  Place, seam side down, in greased loaf pan.  Cover and let rise until double, 30-45 min. 
  • Brush with melted butter.  Bake in 375 degree oven for 35-45 minutes or until loaf are golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped.
    Uh, mom, why are you taking
    pictures of the bread?
    For an extra special treat, use this bread to make French toast...that is, if it lasts long enough :)

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