Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Prayer Warrior Mom: A Review

I recently read Prayer Warrior Mom: Covering your kids with God's blessings and protection by Marla Alupoaicei, which BookSneeze provided to me free of charge.
The book contains 15 chapters, each highlighting a different way moms can pray for their children.  Each chapter includes a several page explanation of a prayer type, a prayer that can be personalized when prayed by inserting kiddos' names, or specific worries or issues, plus several Bible verses pertaining to the topic of the chapter, meant to be memorized and prayed for our children, and a few small group discussion questions.
The back of the book reads:
Today's Christian moms want to be prayer warriors, standing in the gap for their kids.  But many mothers haven't been equipped with the prayer skills, scriptural knowledge, and practical strategies needed to fight the spiritual battle.

In Prayer Warrior Mom, author Marla Alupoaicei invites you to walk with her through fifteen life-transforming principles that will empower you to effectively intercede for your children.  You will learn to pray Scripture, be persistent, pray with power and authority, be your children's #1 advocate, hear God's voice above the noise of daily life, and much more!
I liked this book.  I do pray for my children daily, but I found it helpful to pray for them intentionally, and in new and specific ways each week as I read through the chapters.  Although written specifically for moms, anyone who love a child and wants to pray for them will find this useful.  I think this will be one I will return to again and again.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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