Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday's Tip: Corralling Reusable Bags

We all have them.  And they seem to multiply while we're not looking.

Reusable shopping bags.

I had amassed quite the collection, because, you know, they give those things away for free.  And it's really difficult for me to pass up free stuff.  Especially useful free stuff. 

So they were kind of out of hand.  OK, seriously out of hand, taking up way too much space in Bubby's closet because there wasn't enough space for them in the mud room, and I didn't know what else to do with them.

Do you have this problem, too?  Well, you're in luck, my friend, 'cause I'm gonna tell you what you can do about it.

First thing you have to do is get rid of some of your bags. 

I know, I know!  They were free!  And they're useful!  But believe me, my friend, unless you are buying $1000s of dollars of groceries at one time, you do not need 37 reusable shopping bags.  I went through my stash and took out the ones with torn seams or handles, and one or two that I just plain didn't like, which brought me down to a manageable 7 or so.

 (This is not my entire bag collection.  It is not even my entire weeded-out bag collection.  These are the two I used on a shopping trip and then decided to take pictures of the folding process so that you can contain your bags in a reasonable amount of space, too.)

 Lay the bag out flat.

 Fold the bag into thirds, with the handles at the top.  Or bottom.  They just need to be sticking out somewhere.

 Start rolling the bag from the side opposite the handles.

 When it's all rolled up, it'll look something like this.

 Take one handle and wrap it around the rolled-up bag one way, and wrap the other handle around the other way.  Then, tie the handles together.  That's it!  So easy.  And so much more manageable!

Store your rolled-up reusable shopping bags in a small tote bag or box near the door or in your car, and you're all set.  When you need a bag or two, just grab 'em from your stash.

I know this information is life-changing.  You're welcome, friends.  Yup, that's me, saving the world, one rolled-up reusable shopping bag at a time...

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