Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Love Undone by Cindy Woodsmall: A Review

A Love Undone by Cindy Woodsmall is, at its core, a love story.

Old order Amish Jolene Keim is on the verge of marriage and her own happily-ever-after, when tragedy strikes, changing her plans and her life forever.  For 10 years, Jolene throws herself into family life, but she yearns for a family of her own.
Andy Fisher is a horse trainer, and father to a sweet 9 year old boy.  Andy is a grass widower, which means his wife abandoned him and their son.  He is unable to divorce or remarry, according to Amish traditions.
When the two meet, they're attracted to each other, but their love is forbidden by their church.
I really enjoyed this book. It is well written and the story is compelling.  Ms. Woodsmall navigates the world of old order Amish brilliantly, and includes enough context for readers who are not familiar with Amish customs to be able to follow along.  The characters are believable and feel like friends. 
This was another of those books where I knew what was going to happen, but I had to keep reading to find out how the story was going to get there, and I was a little sad when I came to the end.
Bottom line: this is a great old fashioned love story.  Highly recommend.
I received this book for free from the publisher through the Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest review.

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