Friday, October 3, 2014

This week in review

Hey y'all.  Happy October.  And happy Friday, too.  I have just about half an hour here before I need to start tidying up (so when the kids come home from school in a couple of hours they'll have something to mess up--I'm thoughtful like that), so I thought I'd spend it with you.  Also?  Something happened this week.  You know, besides football, football, and more football.

You may remember that we had to change our weekend plans early on in the summer to redo some landscaping.  We had to redo the landscaping because our basement was soaked.  Soaked, I tell you.  I'm talking pools of standing water.  We ended up tearing out our carpet and padding and transforming it into a tasteful lawn sculpture (yup, still there).  All summer long we had exposed tack strips, and no carpet, in our basement.  During that time we had 3 sets of guests who had to sleep in Bubby's room because we were afraid to let them in the basement lest their tetanus shots prove insufficient to protect them.  We had 4 people sleeping at one time in Bubby's 12 ft by 10 ft bedroom for 5 nights.

Finally we made the time to have the carpet guy out, made a decision, and order the carpet.  It was set to be installed on Wednesday, and the carpet guy said it would take about 6 hours.  Tuesday around 12:30, I got a call from the carpet guy telling me the installer had an opening in his schedule and could he get started today?  Installer showed up at 1 and was gone by 4, leaving gorgeous, soft cushy carpet in his wake.  We all (and I do mean all) had to go down and roll around in it.  I am so pleased with our choice.

Tuesday night?  Football.  But not just any football game or practice.  MC's team played so well, the best they have all year.  It is so gratifying to see the boys improving over the course of the season.  And they beat the team to whom they had lost two times previously.  Both of those losses were heartbreaking, with the other team scoring the winning touchdown within minutes of the end of the game.  MC recovered a fumble and sacked the QB, as well as making some great tackles.  We call him The Finisher.  Someone else will be holding on to the ball carrier, and the opposing player will just be dragging our boy along on the ground (our team has a lot of very small players).  Then MC will run in and knock him down.

We've had a lot of rain this week, which meant I've been spending time indoors.  Kind of a bummer, considering how much I love to be outside, but that's meant I've been able to do a little baking.  I came across a recipe for Lazy Woman's Bread that I'm working on today (OK, not really working on, since it's so easy)--I just might be sharing it on the blog next week because it's so versatile and easy.  Easy, easy!  No kneading!  And you can just store it in the fridge until you want fresh baked bread and then bake it!

Thursday morning I hung with my mom friends.  We're reading and discussing the book of John.  You know, John from the Bible?  'Cause that's how we roll.  That afternoon I made my rounds, completing 4 more mystery shops.  Still love shopping, secret agent style.

I also bought a bunch of eggs.  They're on sale this week for a dollar, so I bought 4 dozen.

I'll just pause here while you work through your shock and awe.

Back now?  OK, so I bought 4 dozen eggs, yes, and in the interests of full disclosure, I already had 1 hard boiled egg, 8 raw store-bought eggs, and 8 yummy, rich, home grown eggs from a friend (saved for Saturday morning breakfast, donchaknow?) 

What in the world am I going to do with more than 5 dozen eggs?  Well!  I'll tell you.  I'm going to freeze them.  Yes!  You can freeze raw eggs.  I'm not sure if I'll freeze any scrambled or whole eggs, but I'm going to freeze some egg whites in my trusty ice cube tray (hopefully one egg white will fit in each depression).  Once they're frozen, I'll pop them out and store in a zipper lock freezer bag until I want to use them.  Love it.  Egg whites are such a great source of almost pure protein.  But don't tell my friend you can freeze eggs, 'cause she might not give me any more! ;)

And...that's my time.  You've been a great audience.  I'll be here all week...

Have a great weekend!

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