Friday, October 31, 2014

Do You Know What This Means?

Hey y'all.  I know we all just had so much fun last time, so we're going to play again.

It's time for everybody's favorite game: Do You Know What This Means?

Don't worry if you've never played before--you'll catch on quickly.

First up: Bubby visited 2 ERs and a clinic in less than a week.
 Do you know what this means?

Yup!  He has officially taken the lead in the family most-visits-to-the-ER competition.  
Also? He's our youngest.  Of three boys.
Also, also? We need to watch him like a hawk when it gets to be this time of year.  Last time he needed stitches was in mid-October, too.

Next up: We sat on a rock.  Together.
 Do you know what this means?

We are one good looking family.  And we kind of like each other.
Also?  That's a whole lot of boys.

Next one: I made this cake.
Do you know what this means?

That's right--I've been playing with modeling chocolate again.

These spiders infested my vehicle.
 Do you know what this means?

You guessed it--we're gonna need the number for a good exterminator.  Or maybe some hungry 1st graders.

And this happened.
 Do you know what this means?

That's right: I clearly have too much time on my hands.
And? My Bubby turned 7 this week!

And by the way, those spiders taste just like oreo blizzards.  Yummy!

 Isn't this fun?  This is even better than last time, amiright?

Alrighty, I parked in the middle of the garage all week.
Do you know what this means?

Uh huh, Hubby was gone this week.  In Mexico.
Also?  I am so very tired.

P.S. I bought those waxless cross country skis (those blue things on the right leaning up against the wall) for $1.99 per pair!  Score!

OK, last one.  I took a picture of my favorite bench (ok, it's the only bench) on my favorite trail in my favorite (Wisconsin) state park.  This is the bench where this happened.
Do you know what this means?

Yupperooni.  Hunting season starts tomorrow.

Wait.  What?

That's right, hunting season starts tomorrow, and unfortunately, my favorite bench (not that I often sit on it--usually I'm just staring past it on my way down the trail) on my favorite trail in my favorite state park is in a part of the park that's open to hunting.  I'm a little bummed that I won't be seeing my bench for the next few weeks, so I took a picture of it to remember it by.

Also?  Checked another one off the bucket list by walking all the way around this lake.  And then I had to go around the other way to see which way was easier (FYI, it's easier to start at the beach and go clockwise).

How was your week, my friends?

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