Monday, October 27, 2014

Menu plan for the week of October 27

Almost November already!  Can you believe it?  It's been crazy warm around here--it just doesn't seem right that Thanksgiving could be just a month away, but there it is.

The craziness of football has ended, but we still have activities 3 nights a week, and basketball starts next week, adding one more evening to our running.  It's not crazy busy, but it is still busy.  And we've still got to eat...and AKD needs the laptop to do homework, so I'd best get to this week's menu.

--Pizza Casserole, green beans, salad
--Chicken broccoli braid, broccoli, salad
--Out to eat birthday supper
--Cheesy mini-burgers, brown rice, mixed veggies
--Waffles, bacon, fruit
--Tuscan chicken sandwiches, lazy bread, pesto yogurt, salad, broccoli/cauliflower/carrots
--Chicken with peppers and artichokes, zucchini "noodles"

Next Monday:
--Taco Bean Soup

--Greek yogurt
--Berry parfaits (in a half-pint mason jar, layer 1/4 c plain or vanilla Greek yogurt and 1/4 c. frozen mixed berries.  Repeat layers.  Add the sweetener of your choice, if desired.  Allow berries to thaw.  Just before serving, top with 1-2 T chopped pecans or granola.  Mix and enjoy)
--Canned pinto beans
--Oreo truffle spiders (birthday treat)
--Lemon poppyseed and almond poppyseed friendship bread (because AKD needs a side by side comparison to decide which he likes better)
--Grilled chicken for lunches and snacks
--Granola?  I've had the ingredients for 3 or 4 weeks, just haven't gotten around to making it!  That's quite an ambitious list!  What's on your menu this week?

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