Monday, March 7, 2016

Menu plan for the week of March 7

Hi everybody!  Are you feeling as springy where you are as we are over here?  It's spring break for my kiddos this week.  At least the weather matches this year.

And since it's spring break, I'm taking care of chickens again.  I am so thankful to be able to borrow our friends' chickens from time to time--so much nicer than having our own ... and having to clean their coop!

When I was thinking about how to use eggs this week, I decided it was finally time to bring Shirley back from her sabbatical.  She's been sleeping in the freezer since 2014, so out she comes this week.  She's capable of using 9 eggs in one fell swoop.  As for baking, I'll for sure be doing double chocolate, and I will probably do lemon poppy chia seed, but other than those, I'm open for suggestions.

Speaking of bringing old friends back, I'm tapping a tree or two this year to make my very own maple-ish syrup.  This time, I'm canning it in half-pint jars, though.  Click here to take a look at how our syrup making went the first time.

Aside from eggs and Shirley and syrup, we'll probably eat something this week, although since it is spring break, our plans are sort of ... fluid.  Here are some things we may or may not get around to eating this week.

  • Tacos, tortillas, taco toppings
  • Cheesy mini burgers, brown rice, salad, green beans
  • Pizza
  • Hamburgers with or without buns, chips, carrots
  • Grilled pork chops, grilled green veggie
  • Spaghetti or spaghetti squash with meatballs, broccoli/cauliflower/carrots
  • Pancakes, fresh fruit
  • Warm me up sausage quiche

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