Monday, May 20, 2019

Menu plan for the week of May 20

I have noticed that we're going through snacks a lot faster these days.  I'm not gonna point fingers, but it's AKD's fault.  I think.  I mean, he came home from school and all.  Last week I filled our snack bin on Sunday, and by Thursday it was pretty much empty again.  (By the way, I'm still using that same box for snacks, only now it's divided into four sections--I put a different snack (or two) into each section (at least one section is always fruit), so they're easier to find.  Also I'm a little compulsive about organization).  I'm heading to Sam's Club this week to stock back up on the kids' favorites.

In other news, I've set a loose goal of trying to make muffins every week (loose as in, not sure how long it'll last, but it'll be nice in the meantime).  Last week it was chocolate muffins (<--these were really good), and this week it'll be AKD's professed favorite--lemon poppy seed (he's looking for a new recipe for me to try).  I guess that's kind of not-other news, because the presence of muffins should help with the snack situation.  Maybe.

Here's what's on the menu this week:


  • Chicken Alfredo with fettuccine (left over from the IP extravaganza), spaghetti, or zoodles (the ones I froze experimentally a couple of weeks ago--if they thaw well, I might have to plant more zucchini than I had originally planned), veggie medley
  • Tacos
  • Hot beef sandwiches, buns, mashed potatoes, raw veggies
  • Fend for yourself
  • Pizza, salad
  • Hamburgers, buns, mashed potatoes, grilled broccoli
  • Brats or hot dogs, buns, green stuff, chips, raw veggies


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