Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Fun To Do List: Done! (Sorta)

Wow, seriously, can you believe it's time to head back to school?  This summer flew by, just like I knew it would. 

So, do you remember our list?  You know, the list of things we wanted to make sure we did this summer?  We finished.  Well, mostly. 

Here's a look back at our 2012 summer adventures:

Scarlet's list:
~ The new pool--the one with a zipline and a climbing wall you can jump off of into the water.
This was so much fun!  I was so proud of MC for jumping off the cliff and enjoyed sliding down the family slide over and over and over (and over) again with Roger. 

~ Cave (ahhh, 50* F year-round)
This outing was fun and educational--our guide did a great job.  We touched fossils that were millions of years old, saw some cool rocks, and even got to see a few bats who have found their hibernation spots already (along with one that was still looking).  We will definitely be visiting again. 

~ Take a picnic lunch and bike along the river in the city, play in the fountain, and watch the barges.

We did this just last weekend, and what a gorgeous day we had.  So proud of Roger for biking almost 5 miles along the river.

AKD's list:
~ Indoor waterpark
I wasn't sure this one was actually going to happen, since the price was way beyond our budget and Roger woke up sick the day we planned our outing.  Luckily I found a great deal, and Roger made a miraculous recovery.  AKD rocked the FlowRider, as usual, and Roger braved the family raft ride several times and
L O V E D it.

~ Mountain biking with friends

I was so glad to be able to take MC, AKD, and three of AKD's friends mountain biking--so much fun!  And Roger and I got to enjoy the beach :) 

~ Kayaking (perhaps in Colorado)

Oh, AKD kayaked, all right.  Several times.  He even got to do it in Colorado finally :) 

MC's list:
~ Trampoline place

Have you been to one of these places?  You really must--there are wall to wall trampolines, as far as the eye can see.  In fact, there are even trampolines on the walls.  Totally gives new meaning to the phrase "bouncing off the walls."  So much fun, and such great exercise!  We will definitely be going back.

~ Inflatable jumpy place

I'm sensing a theme here.  That MC, he loves to bounce!

~ The big zoo
Um, yeah.  Our zoo is not just any ordinary zoo.  Our zoo has dinosaurs.  You'll notice the boys have their attention so fixed on the fierce scary dinosaur in front of them (sneaking up on the camera-person) that they don't even notice the huge giganotasaurus behind them.  And no fences, even.

Roger's list:
~ Hike to the waterfall
What a beautiful day this turned out to be.  And what a lovely way to cool off!

~ Take a train ride
We actually went on a couple of train rides this summer, but this one was Roger's first.  He was thrilled!

~ Beach--the one at the man made lake, with the really cool play structure nearby
So, this is the only one we didn't get to.  We did go to a couple of beaches this summer, but not this particular one.  We went to this one, too, in June, just before school let out, but I don't think that counts.  I think Roger and I will go on Tuesday after his first day of school.  As of right now, it looks like the weather will be perfect for the beach.
It still amazes me how much we did this summer--it was jam packed with fun adventures--we made some terrific memories.  And the list, with just three things per person?  Perfect.  Each of us did three things we really wanted to do, along with a lot of other fun things.
What's your favorite memory from this summer?  Do you get to do everything you had hoped you would?

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