Friday, July 11, 2014

This week in review

After a few sunny, warm, and humid days, today has dawned cooler and windy with rain.  As I sit here at my desk with the windows open, I'm wearing a sweater.  Y'all know I'm not a huge fan of the heat of summer, and it is so refreshing to have these cooler days to recover.  This week has been less hectic than the others so far this summer.  It's been kind of refreshing, like the rain this morning, kind of like a reset.

AKD and MC both had soccer games scheduled for Monday evening, and both were canceled due to severe thunderstorms.  AKD's game was to be played about a 45 minute drive away, and when we left the house, the sky was gray, but it wasn't raining, and we hadn't seen any lightning.  About 20 minutes from home we saw the first bolts of lightning ripping across the sky, and I knew the game would be canceled, but we had to keep going just in case it wasn't. 

By the time the city officials came out to the field to let us know they were closing the park, there was a full blown thunderstorm raging down on us.  It was a driving rain that the windshield wipers couldn't quite keep up with.  The cars ahead of us would disappear and reappear with each swipe.  More than once, I felt the 'burban being pushed sideways by strong gusts of wind.  My knuckles were white, for sure, and I was wiped when we finally arrived back home.  At home, it was sprinkling, like the angry wind and rain, the slashing lightning and crashing thunder, had never even existed. 

AKD's game was rescheduled for Tuesday evening, and the night was absolutely gorgeous.  With their victory that night, his team clinched the conference championship.  He had another game Wednesday night (at home, thankfully), which they played brilliantly and won, bringing their record to 10-1-1 for the season.  Playoffs are this weekend, and the state tournament is in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday morning I escaped the house, and the children, for some mystery shopping--always a good time.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday the boys had friends over, one at a time.  Sure wish we could have scheduled all those play dates at the same time--it just didn't work out that way.

In between, there has been lots of trampoline jumping and pool going ining, a bit of errand running, and lots of relaxing.  In truth, I've been gearing up for another 3 weeks of crazy, storing up the calm to mete it out bit by bit in the storm.  And even though it's all good, the crazy, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a bit anxious about how it'll all get done.  One day at a time, I guess.

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