Sunday, January 3, 2016

Top 15 posts of 2015

Hey y'all.  Welcome to 2016.  Whew.  We made it.

Today I thought it would be fun to look back at my 15 most popular posts from last year.  Here ya go:

15. Everything you need to know, from January

14. Recipes to share, from April

13. The Lego Storage Problem, from June

11. God's Story in 66 Verses, from March

6. Psycho Cannibal Chickens, from February

5. The Dirty Floor Blessing, from April

3 & 2. Mock "KIND" Bars {Fruit & Nut Bars}, from January; Playing Cards, from February

And the number one most popular post in 2015 was ...

Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane.  Here's to a fabulous 2016!

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