Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Back to the bugs. It freaks me out to hear Bubby say that there are bugs in his bed when I know there aren't any. I fear that he is not merely having an active imagination, but that he is in actuality, having real-looking hallucinations. And who can tell with a 2 1/2 year old? Is there really a difference at that age? But wait: there are bugs in Bubby's bed. Currently, Bubby has a Pooh sheet on his bed, with hundreds of...honeybees on it! I didn't have the courage to ask why he was afraid of them, fearing that he would tell me they were moving, coming for him; instead, I reassured Bubby that the bugs would not hurt him, and I doubt I will put that particular sheet on his bed again. It turns out I wasn't quite reassuring enough: Bubby slept the rest of the night on Friday on the floor, and insisted on sleeping there Saturday night as well. Perhaps it didn't occur to him that the bees would fly out of his bed and find him on the floor...
I don't know whether to to fear for my child, or to laugh at my fears and at myself, so I do a little of both. What a privilege and what an incredible responsibility motherhood is, calling for gut-wrenching displays of courage on a daily basis. I don't know what God was thinking when He put me in charge of these children's earthly lives. Maybe just that I would rise to the occasion and do my best, putting the rest in His extremely competent hands. I have never known such all-encompassing love, or such debilitating feelings of inadequacy. I guess the true measure of a mother is her willingness to charge bravely into those situations that she really would rather not deal with, because that is what is needed to protect, and guide, and nurture her child.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Jump! and Cub Scouts
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Last weekend was the year end camp-out for our Cub Scout pack. Here's Logo, with 3/5 of his den, graduating from Tiger to Wolf, plus the Cubmaster and some other people.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
As we were walking back up that steep, steep hill (I'm always surprised by just how steep it is--selective amnesia, I guess), I started thinking about plans. Have you ever heard that saying, "we plan, God laughs"? We know that God has great plans for us, but how often do we say to God, no, I don't really want to do your plan today--I had something else in mind? Now really, I can't say that my plan was any better than Bubby's plan for today, and our compromise ended up being (probably) better than either of our separate plans, but how in the world could our puny little human plans ever possibly be better than God's good plans for us? How many times do we stamp our feet metaphorically, stubbornly insisting on our own way, and force a compromise, that may be good, but is merely a shadow of God's intention for us?
I remember one year on my birthday, I must have been turning 4 or 5, something like that, and our family's plan was to go to McDonald's to celebrate. It sounds funny now, I'm sure, but I had probably only been to any restaurant less than 10 times in my entire life, so McDonald's was a big treat, and I was really looking forward to it. We all piled into the car and drove off. When we stopped, we were not at McDonald's, and I threw a major fit. I don't know if my parents even managed to talk me into getting out of the car. My Dad had driven to a mini-golf course, to surprise me--it was free for birthday girls, and they were planning on going to McDonald's afterwards. My parents had good plans for me--they thought I would enjoy playing mini-golf, and they were probably right, but in my frustration at the change in plans, I refused to let the good plan happen to me (sounds like something Logo would do!).
One of the things that being a mother has taught me is that sometimes, I just have to let go of my plans. Things happen. Today I figured if I dragged Bubby along and he didn't want to be there, neither of us would be happy. I don't like letting go of my plans, and it's rarely easy, but, as I experienced today, sometimes letting go of my intentions turns out better than I could have anticipated. How much better is God's plan for us?! Friends, I urge you to let go of your plans and to let God's good plan happen to you--you may not like it, it might not be easy, but it will be so much better than anything you could have dreamed.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
More pictures of children
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I just keep coming back to this: he broke his leg jumping off his bed. No, Ua does not have an unusually high bed--it's not a bunk bed or anything, just a regular ol' bed. All three of my children regularly jump out of things higher than Ua's bed. Just this morning, Bubby spent half an hour jumping from the arm of our couch to the floor, over and over and over again. This was after he had already spent a good 20 minutes doing flips with the assistance of my legs and/or arms. And before that he spent about 10 minutes jumping from the top of the toy box (the bigger one--almost taller than him) to the floor (he's the jumpiest of the kids, I've gotta say). How have we managed to escape with only a cracked thumb (and that wasn't a result of jumping, really) through 8 or more years of increasing numbers of children jumping from increasing heights?
Come to think of it, my brother and I used to jump out of all kinds of high places, too, and between the two of us, the only broken bones occurred when Sheppy fell on his own thumb while playing soccer. I suppose there's something to be said for all that landing practice! Mom, Dad, you did know we used to jump out of our windows in Bremerton, right? We were practicing fire drills. And conducting scientific experiments.
Ua, hope you're feeling better soon. Chip, at least it'll be easy to clip his toenails for the next month or so :-)